




 次にハンミちゃん家族と大統領のやりとりがあり、最後に金ソンミン代表とのやりとりとなった。大統領は金代表にあなたが大統領ならどのようなことをするかと尋ね、金代表は自由と人権を北朝鮮に強く求めるなどと答えたという。 横田早紀江さんの大統領宛手紙は以下の通り。


April 28, 2007

President George W. Bush
The White House
United States of America

Dear Mr. President,

My daughter, Megumi Yokota, was 13 years old walking home from her junior high school when she was abducted to North Korea in November 1977. For 20 long agonizing years we did not know what had happened to her.

We learned about her abduction in 1997 from a North Korean agent who later took asylum. He testified that when Megumi was kidnapped, “she was held in a small dark chamber in the bottom of a special intelligence ship where she scraped the walls with her fingers while crying out desperately, ‘Mother, help me! Mother, save me!’ as she was carried across the dark sea.”

Enclosed is a picture of her taken in North Korea soon after her kidnapping. Megumi was a young girl who loved music and was always cheerful, but she looks so lonesome in this photograph that when I saw it I couldn’t resist caressing her picture and saying, “Oh, Megumi, you were here, in this kind of place; how frightened you must have been. Please forgive me for not rescuing you yet.”

Even now, my daughter Megumi and other abductees must be alive somewhere in North Korea. We cannot recover the lost years for our children, but we can rescue the victims that were abducted from many countries of the world and allow them to spend the rest of their life in the lands of freedom. We must also not forget the North Korean people who suffer from the atrocious human rights abuses of their own government.

Mr. President we sincerely want you and people of America to know how deeply we appreciate your help.


Sakie Yokota
Association of the Families of Victims Kidnapped by North Korea
3-7-12 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 104-0054 Japan

(〒100-8968 千代田区永田町2-3-1 内閣総理大臣 小泉純一郎殿、首相官邸のホームページ= http://www.kantei.go.jp/の右下の「ご意見募集」欄を利用)


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